FAQ Exchange IntegrationThis document describes how you can add Taraxa's native token, TARA, to a crypto exchange.
Node Setup
Taraxa Nodes are of three types:
Copy 1. Boot Nodes
2. Consensus Nodes
3. RPC Nodes
To connect to the Taraxa chain you can use either a Consensus Node or a RPC Node .
Boot Nodes don't have a RPC interface.
Consensus Nodes also participate in securing the network and need stake so we recommend setting up a couple of RPC Nodes .
Setting up your own node
The simplest way to set up a Taraxa Node inside your own infrastructure is to use the official Docker Images we provide for the mainnet version. Docker will also make sure that the node gets restarted if it crashes.
We highly recommend setting up more than one instance of the Taraxa Node for reliability.
Using our RPC endpoint
For testing purposes or a small number of requests you can also use our RPC endpoint:
Interacting with the JSON-RPC endpoint
The Taraxa Chain is compatible with the Ethereum chain. That means that most default Ethereum RPC requests will work on Taraxa.
You can follow the Ethereum JSON-RPC documentation here:
The compatibility with Ethereum means that almost all tools from the Ethereum ecosystem work with Taraxa. You can use, for example, Web3.js , ethers.js and Web3.py to connect to and interact with the Taraxa Network.
Setting up Deposit Accounts
Setting up accounts for each user is pretty simple. You can use a variety of tools to generate the accounts. Depending on your security requirements, you may also want to use encrypted wallets / keyfiles.
Taraxad CLI Web3.js ethers.js
Copy $ taraxad --command account
"node_secret" : "907d6f3e84d54f069c98e082de4e0cad41d11b54bc722fd9463ab5cd8010792f"
"node_public" : "8a4a53f93004208866b23f4c324ea30b869abc718f0948c33bb6ff5bc4d06c5fb447fa320a57698ce4960f561a7dea2f0668f1b62b6e87539189d29cce917f65"
"node_address" : "b9b8648d29427494e39bb6ac2a3f221b4c14c8d2"
Copy const Web3 = require('web3');
const main = () => {
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('https://rpc.mainnet.taraxa.io'));
let { address, privateKey } = web3.eth.accounts.create(web3.utils.randomHex(32));
node_address: address,
node_secret: privateKey
Copy const ethers = require('ethers');
const main = () => {
const wallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
node_address: wallet.address,
node_secret: wallet.privateKey,
Checking Deposits
Once you have a list of accounts that you need to watch, we can have a service that parses each block and checks for deposits to those addresses.
Example using ethers.js
Copy const { ethers } = require('ethers');
const { Level } = require('level');
const watch = [
].map(address => ethers.utils.getAddress(address));
const main = async () => {
const db = new Level('db', { valueEncoding: 'json' });
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('https://rpc.mainnet.taraxa.io');
provider.on('block', async (newBlockNumber) => {
console.group(`Scanning new block #${newBlockNumber}...`);
const { transactions } = await provider.getBlockWithTransactions(newBlockNumber);
for (const transaction of transactions) {
const from = ethers.utils.getAddress(transaction.from);
const to = ethers.utils.getAddress(transaction.to);
if (!watch.includes(from) && !watch.includes(to)) {
const value = transaction.value.toString();
await db.put(`transaction-${transaction.hash}`, {
console.info(`- saved transaction ${transaction.hash}, from: ${from}, to: ${to}, value: ${value}`);
Sending Transactions
Web3.js ethers.js
Copy const Web3 = require('web3');
const main = async () => {
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('https://rpc.mainnet.taraxa.io'));
const account = web3.eth.accounts.create(web3.utils.randomHex(32));
console.log(`Using account: ${account.address}`);
const tx = await account.signTransaction({
from: account.address,
to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
value: 1,
gas: 21000,
.once('transactionHash', (txHash) => {
console.log(`Sending tx: ${txHash}`);
.once('receipt', (receipt) => {
console.log(`Got receipt: ${receipt}`);
.once('error', (error) => {
console.error(`Got error: ${error}`);
Copy const ethers = require('ethers');
const main = async () => {
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('https://rpc.mainnet.taraxa.io');
const wallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().connect(provider);
console.log(`Using account: ${wallet.address}`);
const nonce = (await provider.getTransactionCount(wallet.address)) + 1;
const unsignedTx = {
from: wallet.address,
to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
value: 1,
gasLimit: 21000,
gasPrice: 1,
chainId: await wallet.getChainId(),
console.log({ unsignedTx })
const tx = await wallet.signTransaction(unsignedTx);
try {
const transaction = await provider.sendTransaction(tx);
console.log(`Sent transaction to network:`, transaction);
const receipt = await transaction.wait();
console.log(`Received receipt:`, receipt);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Received error:`, e)