What is the conversion and how does it work?
Taraxa's Native Token Conversion is COMPLETE!
Taraxa's native token conversion was completed on April 3, 2023.
If you held TARA tokens on ETH, they have been mirrored over to Taraxa's mainnet. Please set up a wallet to access your tokens!
What is the Native Token Conversion?
Prior to the conversion on April 3, 2023, the Taraxa token used to be an ERC-20 contract residing on the Ethereum blockchain. The conversion converts the ERC-20 tokens into the native tokens residing on the Taraxa blockchain.
How the Conversion Works - Technically Speaking
Technically, the conversion is pretty simple: balances on the ERC-20 will be mirrored over to Taraxa's mainnet.
The process must be done in coordination with the exchanges that the TARA token is currently listed on, since otherwise all deposits and withdrawals will be disabled on these exchanges.
Here's a quick overview of the mechanics of the conversion,
Coordinate with the exchanges on a specific date & time when the conversion will take place
Disable the ERC-20 contract on Ethereum
Record the exact ETH block where the contract has been disabled, this is the cutoff block height
Mirror the ERC-20 and staking contract balances at the cutoff block height
All staked tokens will be returned to the stakers' wallets on Mainnet, a re-delegation process must take place after the conversion
20% of 10bn tokens will be taken from the deployer address into a new Foundation delegation address, which will be delegating to dev-operated nodes on the mainnet - meant to help bootstrap the mainnet (see section 5.2 of the Whitepaper)
A tiny amount of tokens (10 tokens) will be taken from the deployer address into a new faucet address, which will be used to generate minimal transactions traffic on the mainnet - it's not a technical requirement, but a cosmetic one
New community site will be deployed
Place these resulting balances inside the genesis block of the Mainnet
Reset the Mainnet with the updated genesis block
Deploy updated network statistics endpoints
Deploy community site claims contract
Notify Mainnet validators to reset their nodes to the new version
Where we are in the conversion process
You can track the status here.
Last updated
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